About Roxy Bear
Hi! I am a family dog that enjoys playing with children and being entertained by them. Heck, sometimes kids even paint my nails with nail polish; I don’t mind. It’s a dog’s life and I simply enjoy spending time together with people. One day, for reasons unknown, life upended and my first owner was kicked out of his home and told to take his dog with him. My owner moved in with his mother, but unfortunately, his mother was allergic to me. Because of his predicament, he placed an ad for me online, in hopes of finding a new forever home. One day, a couple with a young daughter showed up at his mother’s house to meet me and we spent a bit of time together. My owner reassured them over and over, that I’m well behaved and great with children. He told them that if they didn’t take me home, he would take me to an animal shelter the next day. With that said, I hopped into the couple's car and was on my way to my new home. What a wonderful surprise that turned out to be! I got to sleep on the bed with my new owners, go on vacations to hotels with them, accompany their daughter everywhere she went, and ride in the car all the time. I felt like a princess, and after all, that was my first name. 👑 However, my life was about to change for the better! Read on...
My original owner was an elderly woman. I had the full reign of her house and got to sit on the furniture, too. Sadly, one day my owner got sick and passed away. But my story gets even worse; her family took me to an animal shelter to be re-homed. It was scary being taken out of my comfy home and tossed into a cage with a cold concrete floor, spartan except for a little hammock bed made from PVC pipe. I was so scared that I sat under the bed and shivered constantly; where did my owner and family go? One day, a fella paused at my cage at the animal shelter, to admire me for a bit. He said that I looked like a dog he owned, named Roxy, and that I’d make her a good boyfriend. He left, then returned with the rest of his family. We went outside to spend time together on my leash and then, my eyes met Roxy. (Think slow motion and add music to the background...) I was instantly in love and had to be with her forever. 💗 She was my soulmate! My new family agreed, I was adopted, and rode home together with them. It is the thrill of my life to be with Roxy and go everywhere she does; hotels, road trips, car rides, and walks around the block. Roxy and I do everything together and even sleep together at night. I’ll bet my original owner is looking down on me from heaven and smiling.

Hello, I am Julia, Roxy and Bear’s forever dog mom. Since becoming a part of our family, Roxy and Bear traveled with us to various exciting destinations. Both are excellent travelers who love to stay at pet friendly hotels. Roxy would visit the dog relief area at the hotels and critique the cleanliness while Bear would wait patiently for us to sneak him a piece of bacon after breakfast.
I started RoxyBear.com to share their stories as rescue animals. Throughout the years of visiting animal shelters and rescues, I found that while many people donated food and useful supplies, there was a shortage of durable dog gear being donated. Collars and leashes are particularly useful when canines are taken out of their kennels for their daily walks or to do a "meet and greet" with prospective adoptive owners. I decided to launch a dog gear line with a mission to further promote adoption of rescue dogs and to donate to animal shelters and rescues.
To do so, Roxy Bear created the “Just Adopted!” Welcome Home Kit to sponsor a rescue. Periodically, Roxy Bear will select canines from rescues to sponsor. When the sponsored dog is adopted, Roxy Bear will send a Welcome Home Kit (which contains a collar, leash, dog toy and a dispenser with potty bags) to the newly adopted dog and its owner.
Roxy Bear is committed to bringing awareness to shelters/rescues and their efforts, and to encourage the public to adopt a rescue. Follow our pawprints 🐾 on Facebook!